Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have taken of Taylor, her huge smile and bright eyes just make me smile. I'm sure glad i got this picture it shows her mouth full of teeth! Well one of these teeth we will never see again, she'll always be missing a tooth (well until her adult teeth come in). Now everytime i look at this picture I just want to cry! It reminds me of the terrible week we've had this past week. It started off last Thursday night. Jimmy had just got home. We were getting dinner ready and relaxing. Taylor was right in front of us playing and jumping around being her usual silly self , she likes to put pillows on the floor and stand on them and try to jump, well this particular time the pillow slid out from under her and she fell forward hitting her mouth on a wooden foot rest. I ran over to her to find a mouth full of blood and her tooth pushed forward just hanging there! We took her to the ER(not nowing where else to go) and they told us that her tooth had popped back into place and that it might fall out but it might be ok too. So we went home with a little hope that her tooth might be saved! well two days later... we went to run some errands. We went to Wal-mart to pick up a few things and while we were in the deoderant isle Taylor started standing up in the cart trying to reach the deoderant. i sat her back down in the cart and told her not to stand up again (silly me thinking she would actually listen to me!) I turned back to grab some deoderant off the shelf and then turned back toward the cart just in time to see Taylor flipping over the edge of the cart FACE FIRST!! I tried so hard to catch her but couldn't, luckily i did manage to at least break her fall a bit, she landed on her stomach and hit her face! We picked her up and realized the tooth had popped right out onto the floor. She was screaming and bleeding everywhere! And all i could do was sit on the floor and cry! I felt like THE worst mom in the world! Why wasn't i paying better attention to her? Why didn't i strap her in? I felt awful and still do! But there's nothing we can do now except learn from our mistakes and never let her sit in a cart again without being strapped in, no matter how much she cries! Anyway this story will most likely haunt me for the rest of my life! :) But Taylor seems to be ok even with a missing tooth. She's happy and still as active as ever and still has a big smile minus one tooth! I guess it could have been worse!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sweetie! Dont be so hard on yourself!!! I promise you that once your baby boy is mobile you will look back at this and think, "I thought that was bad?!" Kids will be kids! And its just a tooth! She will get a new one when she gets older anyhow. <3
