Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's been awhile!

Okay so I know it's been quite awhile since my last blog and a lot has happened since then! To start off, we finished our stay in Hawaii, we sure do miss it but it was definitely time to come home. The next big thing was Jimmy's graduation, I can't believe after all these years he's finally done, but we're sure glad he is! After Jimmy graduated he started studying like crazy for his boards, during that time we lived with my parents, It was quite the experience since they already had a house full with my youngest brother living there and also my youngest sister with her husband and baby... BUT we are very very thankful to my parents for letting us stay there and sacrificing so much so that we could, it definitely was a blessing! Jimmy took his boards in June and passed (no surprise there!) we accepted a job in Arizona which he started on August 2nd. After that it was all just a waiting game for the next big event in our lives...the birth of our son! Carson James Martin was born at 12:34 pm on July 13th! He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 inches long and has lots of dark hair! We are so happy to have him here and love the added joy that he brings to our lives! 9 days after Carson was born we packed up the moving truck and headed to Arizona, another HUGE thank you to my parents for taking time out of their busy lives to help us move down! A week later Jimmy started his job at Advanced Physical Therapy. And that's where we're at now, starting our new adventures in Arizona! And here are a few pictures of some of the events the kept us so busy these past few months!

These first ones are a few of our last days in Hawaii

The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor

@ the Dole Plantation

We drove around the island and found a few of the lighthouses there
this was probably my favorite!

We went to several beaches! At this one we saw a bunch of honu (turtles)

This is where we stayed for the 2 1/2 months we were there

This is the back of the house

Jimmy's graduation!

These next few are of Taylor on the 4th of July!

She had so much fun picking up the candy at the parade!

Taylor and Jimmy at Stadium of Fire!

Eating her popcorn and watching the show! She LOVES popcorn!

The day Carson was born! Jimmy thought we needed
a picture right before going into Labor and Delivery.

He doesn't look proud does he! I think he was just so excited for
me not to be pregnant anymore so he can get out of rubbing my feet!

Carson James Martin born on July 13th at 12:34pm

Apparently I grow them big! Taylor was an ounce more when
she was born!

He's just so perfect!


  1. AAAAHHHHH you had your baby!! I totally had no idea. Congrats, he is sooo handsome! And congrats to Jimmy on graduating! You guys sound like you've been super busy!

  2. We love the new pictures and the new "rambling". And we are happy we could help a bit. We are glad we could be with you as you began your Arizona adventure. We know you will all do great!! Love you!
